Medical Social Workers & Home Health Aide Services

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A medical social worker is a part of a multi-disciplinary team with the primary role of providing emotional support to patients and their caregivers coping with serious or chronic illnesses. Services include therapy and counseling, brief mental health assessments, along with connecting patients with community resources and coordinating needed referrals to address long and short-term health related concerns.
Home Health Aide Services
A home health aide provides personal care services including help with bathing, toileting, and dressing.
HSU’s home health aides help people with the activities of daily living that have become difficult or require total assistance. We work with families to help their loved ones successfully age in place, in the place they call home. Our home health aides provide a link to the outside world for people limited by the effects of illness, disease or aging.
Home Health Aide Services for personal care:
- Assistance with bathing (bed, tub, shower, sponge) and dressing
- Assistance with dental, false teeth and mouth care
- Assistance in and out of bathroom and with toileting
- Assistance with ambulation and transfers
- Implementation of physical therapy and exercise programs
- Prepare and serve healthy diets if authorized by the payer.