Activities That Can Be Done in a Wheelchair This Spring and Summer
Does your elderly loved one use a wheelchair? Whether they have to be in it all the time or only while outside of their home, they may be looking for wheelchair-friendly activities to do this spring and summer. Hopefully, the list here today will give you your homecare provider and your elderly loved one something to do this year.

Homecare in Greenwood IN: Wheelchair Activities
Fruit Picking
Generally, all cities or towns have at least one place where people can pick fruits. Some of the fruit picking places that you might be able to find include:
- Blueberries
- Strawberries
- Apples
- Pears
Find out which fruits your elderly loved one enjoys the most and see if you can find a fruit picking place for them. If needed, you or an in-home care provider can go to pick fruits with your elderly loved one.
When did your elderly loved one last go to a picnic? It might have been years or even in their childhood. However, picnics aren’t just for little kids. Senior citizens and younger adults can go on picnics and have a great time. There are likely many local parks or little areas where you and your elderly loved one can go near their house to have a picnic. You can check to see if home care providers can go picnicking with your elderly loved one sometimes, too.
Does your elderly loved one enjoy fishing? Sitting down by the river or on a boat as the sun rises or sets, catching fish. What isn’t there to like about that? If they do enjoy this activity, you should be able to search for lakes, rivers, oceans, or ponds close by. Many places have open public fishing. Just make sure you find out the rules as to whether fish are catch-and-release or take-home before going.
If your elderly loved one is physically fit enough, they might enjoy going on small hikes. There are numerous hiking trail apps that tell you which trails are for beginners and which ones are most complex. You can choose the ones that are handicap accessible.
Doing Puzzles or Playing Games
There are many different types of puzzles and games that can be played outside. For example, you could just sit with your elderly loved one out on their porch and do crossword puzzles or play Suduko. You could also set up a table on their screen-covered porch and put together a board puzzle or play any number of games. If your elderly loved one is feeling up to it, you may even want to set up beanbag toss or yard games that they can do from their wheelchair, too
Now that it is getting warmer, even if your elderly loved one is in a wheelchair, there are many activities they can participate in. The ones that are listed above are a great start. You or in-home care providers should start adding these to your elderly loved one’s schedule.
If you or an aging loved-one are considering Homecare in Greenwood, IN, please call the caring staff at Home Services Unlimited. Serving Greater Indianapolis Area. Call for Immediate Info & Assistance: (317) 471-0760
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