Falling: Four Reasons to Insist Your Senior Sees Her Doctor After a Fall
Falling: Once your elderly family member has experienced a fall, you may be understandably upset about the situation.
You might have to convince your senior to see her doctor or to at least let her doctor know what happened after falling. That’s important for several different reasons.

Home Care Services in Westfield IN: Post-Falling Issues
She’s Twice as Likely to Experience Another Fall
If your senior falls once, the CDC has found that she’s twice as likely to fall again. This is a potentially large problem, especially since she can seriously injure herself the next time she does fall. Her doctor needs to be aware of what has happened, just in case there’s more going on.
She May Have a New Health Issue
One of the “more” things that could be happening is that your senior may be experiencing a new health issue that hasn’t been diagnosed yet. A fall, or at least the symptoms leading up to that fall, could be an indication of this new health issue. Your elderly family member needs to make sure her doctor has as much information as possible so that she’s able to get all of the assistance that she needs.
She May Be More Injured than She Realizes
It’s entirely possible that your senior is absolutely fine after her fall, with just a minor bruise or abrasion. But it’s also entirely possible that her fall was more of a problem than she realizes. If she hit her head, she may have a concussion, even if she doesn’t seem to have any symptoms that she recognizes. It’s also possible that she’s sprained one of her limbs, experienced a hairline fracture, or has some other type of injury that needs treatment from falling.
Falling: Her Doctor Might Gloss Over This Experience Unless You Insist
Your senior’s doctor has the best of intentions when it comes to her health, but if your senior downplays this fall, her doctor might, too. Very often it’s a family caregiver asking questions and insisting on more information about the results of a fall that can lead to more thorough examinations. You might not feel confident insisting that her doctor look deeper into this, but it’s important to do.
Falling can have long-term effects on aging adults. It is very possible that having a caregiver with her when you’re not able to be there can help with fall prevention on many different levels. They can also offer companionship while ensuring your senior is safe.
If you or an aging loved-one are considering Home Care Services in Westfield, IN, please call the caring staff at Home Services Unlimited. Serving Greater Indianapolis Area. Call for Immediate Info & Assistance: (317) 471-0760
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