What Are the Best Practices if Your Senior Gets a Cold?
Even if your elderly family member is doing everything right during cold season, she might still catch a cold that she just can’t shake. What can you and she do to help her to feel better as soon as possible?

Elderly Care in Greenwood IN: Best Cold Care Practices
Call Your Senior’s Doctor Right Away
Colds are caused by a virus, so there really isn’t a cure for them. But you can call your senior’s doctor as soon as you know that she’s sick and find out what is recommended for her. There may be some ways that a cold can make chronic health issues, like diabetes, worse for your senior, so you need to know the plan.
Encourage Your Senior to Stay Home
Your elderly family member may not feel like going much of anywhere anyway, but she definitely needs to stay home. There are a couple of reasons for this. First, she needs to rest and heal, which is easier to do when she’s comfortable at home. Second, she doesn’t want to share her germs and get someone else sick. Finally, she doesn’t need to encounter bigger, worse germs than what she already has. Her immune system is busy right now and might not be able to fight off something that could cause pneumonia.
Handwashing and Disinfecting Her Home Is Still a Good Idea
Once your senior is sick, she might feel like there isn’t a point in washing her hands as often and disinfecting her home as she cleans. But she runs the risk of reinfection if she doesn’t keep doing these things. It can help to shorten the cold, at least by a little bit. And if anyone else lives with your senior, this cuts down on the risk of sharing those cold germs.
She Needs to Eat Healthy Foods
Eating and remaining hydrated give your senior’s body what she needs to get healthy again as quickly as possible. Foods that are easy to eat, like chicken noodle soup, are great because they’re hydrating and they contain nutrients. Broth-based soups are also soothing, which can be very helpful, especially if your elderly family member has a sore throat and clogged sinuses.
A cold can leave someone feeling weak, which can be a fall risk for your senior. It might be a good idea to get help from home care providers while she’s ill. They can help with meals and make sure that your senior is safe and comfortable while she’s recuperating.
If you or an aging loved-one are considering Elderly Care in Greenwood, IN, please call the caring staff at Home Services Unlimited. Serving Greater Indianapolis Area. Call for Immediate Info & Assistance: (317) 471-0760
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